
Hello Woods Families,

Happy Homecoming Week! We had great attendance for each dress up day followed by an exciting pep assembly. Congrats to 2nd grade, 4th grade, and 8th grade for winning the spirit stick for most participation! These classrooms now get to display the spirit stick in their classroom for the remaining school year. Tonight is the Homecoming Parade and game day, Go Badgers!

Here are a few important things to know:

  1. In case you missed the announcement, our band will not be participating in the Homecoming Parade. An email was sent home this week. Here are the changes: Students are expected to participate in the rehearsal and pregame performances with Badger and LGMS. We will meet at LGMS at 5:00pm. Students are expected to wear the following: Khaki pants, woods/badger spirit wear top, black shoes. If you have questions please reach out to Mr. Gates - jgates@woodsschool.com

  2. Kindergarten and 1st grade had their first field trip! Kids were very excited to pick apples and enjoy some fall festivities. 

  3. Spirit Wear is now available! Click here to purchase and browse the options. https://stores.inksoft.com/woodsschoolstore The store will be open through October 20th. Merchandise will be shipped to the school early November and sent home with students. Unless specified as a gift, then arrangements can be made with parents to pick up. A flier will be sent home by early next week. 

  4. Looking ahead: 

    1. Picture Day is coming October 14th!

    2. There will be NO ASDC on Thursday, October 17th.

    3. There will be no school on Thursday October 24th and Friday October 25th for Teacher Inservice. 

    4. Don’t forget that Thursday October 31st is Trunk-or-Treat in the Woods School Parking Lot. Please sign up here if you haven’t already done so. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/409054DA4A729A4F49-51341281-woods

Have a safe Homecoming weekend!

Together in Education, The Woods Staff