Hello Woods Families,
Week 13 was a short one with temperatures dropping and everyone gearing up for the long weekend ahead.
Here are a few important things to know:
As our weather starts to change, please make sure students are coming to school with snow pants/boots, hats, and gloves. If you are in need of winter gear for your children please reach out to the front office by phone or email; 262-248-3816 or thoselton@woodsschool.com
Has your child outgrown their winter gear? Please consider donating them to the school, our teachers do keep “extras” when available. You can drop those off at the school front office.
The Woods PTG would like to put together a Student Directory for families, if you would like your information to be included please fill out the attached form and return it by December 4th.
Looking ahead:
Our annual Giving Tree is up near the cafeteria, a letter was mailed home today with all the information.
Thursday, December 5th - Our annual Holiday concert will be held in the Badger High School Auditorium at 6:30pm
Saturday, December 7th is the annual 8th grade Craft Fair! Come on out and do some early Holiday shopping from 9am - 3pm!
December 23 - Jan 3rd is our Holiday break
There are ALOT of events and activities going on around this time of year. Paperwork sent home with students can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Attached to this email please find a copy of all fliers that were sent home today, including a permission slip for riding the bus to Badger High School on Wednesday, December 4th. Please have this returned to school by December 3rd.
Enjoy the holiday break!
Together in Education, The Woods Staff